September 16-17, 2023
September 19, 2023

AR-15 Level 1 Sept. 16-17, 2023

I took the AR-15 Level 1 rifle class this past weekend (I was the only girl in the class with 9 men by the way).  To say this class was amazing is an understatement.  I learned so much from this class, especially the first half.  This part of the class consisted of taking apart the rifle to its bare minimum, cleaning it, making sure it is properly lubricated, then putting it back together.  If I can do this, anyone can.  You must be very meticulous with each part as you don’t want to jam/force anything back in its place or else…..

The second half of day one was just as awesome!  We were able to zero our rifles and shoot from 7, 10, and 50 yards.  We were given several positions to shoot from:  standing, prone, and kneeling to name a few.  We also performed several different drills throughout the first day and we all ENJOYED THAT A LOT!

Now onto day two….. we went over (briefly) what we learned on day one and off to the races we went!  We continued with several different drills (body/body/head) was one of them.  We were actually tested on our speed (which I wasn’t the fastest, but I was accurate).  One of these days the speed will come, but for now, I was all about the accuracy.  For me, the entire class was great, but the highlight was towards the end of the day when we got to shoot from 130 yards.  Talk about a WOW factor.  The steel plates from 130 yards seemed so small.  I made all my shots from both prone and standing positions.  I couldn’t believe it.  Without Marshall’s instruction, I could not have done this.  Trigger control and breathing ARE KEY!!  We were all stoked about shooting from this distance.  It was awesome.

Not one time did I feel unsafe.  SAFETY IS A HUGE PRIORITY AT DSA and Marshall made sure we were all handling our rifles in a safe manner.  Each time we were done with a drill, we moved the selector to SAFE.

I have taken a few classes from DSA and I must say, this AR-15 class is my absolute favorite.  Honestly, any class taken at DSA will become a favorite.  I CANNOT STRESS enough how safe I (we) felt.  If you have a chance to take this class or any other DSA class for that matter, PLEASE consider it.  It is definitely worth your time and money.  You absolutely CANNOT put a price tag on saving your life or the lives of others.  All the instructors at DSA are top notch and none of them are intimidating.  They are extremely patient with each and every one of us.  There were experienced shooters in the class as well as novice shooters and EVERYONE was treated the same, with respect and courtesy.  

I was a little freaked out at first being the only girl in the class, but after a bit, I was good to go.  I kept up with those men like it was no big deal (lol).  I’d like to think I even taught them a thing or two.  HA!

Don’t be afraid to take any classes that DSA has to offer.  Once you get the first class out of the way, I guarantee you will be back for more.

THANK YOU again for an awesome class/weekend!
