June 29, 2023

This is my testimonial in reference to the Rural Tactics Course I attended with DSA.

I have been in Law Enforcement for over fourteen years and have been on a SWAT Team for twelve of those years. I have been blessed during my career to have taken some great training through many reputable schools and instructors. During my career I have found myself alone as well as with fellow officers in the woods or large, open fields, either pursuing a fleeing suspect, or while assisting a neighboring agency.  We have been known to conduct surveillance  and/or execute a planned operation. I have ended up in the woods or some type of pastureland more times than can recall. That being said, in those fourteen-plus years, I’ve never received any training related to this type of specialized environment . . . . none.

DSA is a phenomenal shooting/tactics school. Marshall Luton, owner of DSA, was a superb and down-to-earth host. The Rural Tactics Course at DSA, taught by Master Instructor, Billy Smith, is a fantastic course. The information provided during Rural Tactics was information packed even for myself and other experienced classmates. Every Law Enforcement Officer would profit by being exposed to this level of training.  In fact, it should be required training in my opinion.

Over the years, in the many classes I’ve attended, several previous instructors felt it necessary to give a long-detailed introduction of their past Jedi experiences.  They introduced themselves as “Delta”, or SWAT, or a S.E.A.L..  Some even told you about their classified “three-letter agency” experience including telling you of all their accolades and accomplishments while they were there. Instructor Billy Smith requires no such introduction. His students know that he is extremely knowledgeable and possesses legitimate real-world experience; not by what he says, but by what he does and demonstrates.

Rural Tactics at DSA with Billy Smith is the most unique course and one of the best training opportunities I’ve ever had.

Sergeant Cody Boren

Berryville Police Department